Dissonance | Novels | the bohme | writing

It’s published!

November 11, 2014

So… two hours ago, I hit publish on my second book and it felt amazing. It also felt incredibly surreal. This felt more surreal than the first time. The first time, I was scared shitless. I was nervous. I was hesitant. I was clueless.


Yes, clueless. I didn’t know what I was doing. I still don’t know what I’m doing. But, I do know that I am writing from my heart. I am listening to my characters and I am listening to that inner voice that tells me–urges me to write.

I love to write.

This is a short but sweet blog post.

I want to thank each of you that reads this. I want to thank each of you that takes the time to read my books. They start as stories I need to tell, then you finish them by taking the time to read. You’re awesome… and like dissonance. says, I hope you find what makes you feel alive.

Writing is it for me.
